January 29, 2016

A Disney Giveaway! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Pop-star Minnie DVD

The following activity sheets & giveaway were provided by Allied Hispanic for Disney. 
Pero the opinions and cute child are all Babushka’s.

Now she thinks she's all grown up on

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!!

That was My Little One’s primer Halloween costume. Cutisima!! Disney has always been a favorite in Babushka’s casa, pero Minnie Mouse was in a class by herself. That was true then, and she’s still making us all love her. Ahora she’s a Pop-star in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Mira que Bella!!

"Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Pop Star Minnie

Synopsis: Hop Aboard The Magical, Musical, Clubhouse Tour Bus!  Minnie’s dream of singing onstage is about to come true — until her Clubhouse back-up band pals discover that their musical instruments are gone! Now, the race is on to track them down and reach Melody Mountain by sunset. But, even if they find the missing instruments in time, should Minnie sing the blues, croon a country tune or boogie to a disco beat? It’s going to take help from YOU – plus a few Mouseketools – to get Minnie in the right groove to totally rock out! Bursting with fun, surprises, and four more exciting adventures, Pop Star Minnie is simply song-sational!

Sinopsis: ¡Súbete a bordo del mágico autobús de gira musical del Clubhouse! El sueño de Minnie de cantar en el escenario está a punto de hacerse realidad, hasta que sus amigos del Clubhouse, que son los integrantes de su banda, ¡descubren que sus instrumentos han desaparecido! Ahora, deberán correr para encontrarlos y llegar a Melody Mountain antes del atardecer. Pero, incluso si encuentran los instrumentos perdidos a tiempo, ¿debería Minnie cantar un triste blues, entonar una melodía country o bailar al compás de la música disco? Se necesitará TU ayuda, con la asistencia de algunas Mouseketools, para lograr que Minnie encuentre el ritmo exacto para ser una estrella de rock. Repleto de diversión, sorpresas, y otras cuatro aventuras emocionantes, ¡Pop Star Minnie es simplemente sensacional!

This Disney Junior favorite compiles some of the greatest episodes from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. There are 5 musically themed episodes:

– Pop Star Minnie
– Mickey’s Clubhouse Rocks
– Minnie & Daisy’s Flower Shower
– Minnie’s Mouseke-Calendar
– Mickey’s Big Band Concert

For added fun, there are also 2 bonus episodes included from Minnie’s Bow Toons on the DVD:

– Rooftop Repair
– Alarm Clocked Out "

The Pop Star Minnie DVD comes with one disc and a free exclusive inflatable guitar solamente with this DVD. The DVD runs for 102 minutos and is rated TV-Y, with English, French and Spanish languages and subtitles y dubbed in French and Spanish. Quee?? JU SOFONII!! No Spanglish- YET.  
And now Beautifuls the giveaway.

Buena Suerte to all, and while you wait ,look at the wonderful Coloring pages/sheets Disney has shared! And for those that can't wait, Popstar Minnie will be available to own on February 2nd, just in time for Valentine's Day!!  Wouldn't coloring and watching Minnie be a perfect way to spend the day with your little valentine?

 Let's see if BB can get My Little One to put on polka dots one more time...


Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!

1 comment:

Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!