January 25, 2012

Chinese New Year

Don't you just love the Chinese New Year?  The festivities, the history, the colors, the pagaentry, the chance to catch up and do a New Year right!  Que Que??  You actually thought January 1 was the real new year?  JU SO FONI !!!  Maybe it's because my mother was 3/4 Chinese, but in BB's mind this is when the reality of the New Year comes in.  Bueno, truth be known I think it's more because of my Cuban side... si, further in the year is better because we're always running late.  Whaaaaaatttt??  I'm only now taking down the Christmas lights... well, I will take them down now that the true New Year has come.

No me miren asi- don't look at me like that.  Really people, think about it.  For 8 days there's a whirlwind of activities- Christmas Eve to New Year's- most people don't come out of the stupor until at least a week  into the new year and then they go into shock when they see the scale and the bills of that holiday hip hop. By the second week of January most will have abandoned their resolutions and are slumping into disappointment from their lack of determination. But should this be? I say Nay!! Nada de eso mi gente!!!  Chinese New Year is the perfect time to make more realistic petitions of ourselves.  We've now seen what we're capable (or not capable) of doing and can go ahead with expectations we can fullfill!  Let me help you with some examples.

January 1 Resolution                                              Chinese New Year Resolution

No more junk food.                                               No more junk food on Mondays.

Exercise everyday.                                                        Exercise on Mondays. 
                                                          Go ahead, w/out junk food it's a bad day anyway.

Call loved ones more often.                            Ever heard of Feibu? How about Escaip?

Spend less money.                                         52 Mondays w/out junk food = saved $$.

Lose weight.                                                         Learn to walk in higher heels. 
                                                                     You'll either sweat from fear of falling
                                                                      or look thinner because you're taller.

Be nicer to my fellow man.                                               Hide on Mondays.

Chinese New Year  Year of the Dragon

May this year of the Dragon bring you strength-
especially the strength of self. 

Self knowledge and Self Love is BB's wish for all in 2012.

Babushka Besos a Todos.  Cuidensen.

Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!


  1. Maybe I should start looking at the Chinese New Year as a way to revamp my January 1st resolutions too!! Love the blog...here from "Punch in the Throat"

    1. Let's start a mutal admiration society, 'cause I always think JU SO FONII!!! Thanks for stopping by and appreciate the comment. BB2U

  2. I quit making resolutions because I never followed through with them. I now make realistic goals and that works much better for me. I love to learn about other culture traditions and now I want to know more about Chinese New Year. I saw your messages on my blog but I can't find any email from you. I'd love to have you guest blog on my site if you have the time.

    1. Terri, I'm so touched! We bloggers love our readers and the trust you give me is most appreciated. Let me know what topic and when- or you can use any of my already posted stories; solamente dejame saber.

      And if you want to learn about other cultures... niña you're definitely in the right place!! hajahaja (Spanglish laugh)


  3. Ha! Love this list! We are definitely on the same page lol. Lets get to it BB!

    1. I'm there, I'm there- and enjoying your successes. Pa'lante Preciosa!!



Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!