Ok, Martinique my Muse, petname Marti (not to be confused with martyr, though being a CAP she can definitely play that part) was none too happy with me today. Seems she didn't appreciate me cleaning the house on the day I should dedicate to her. Truth be known it wasn't my idea of a fun day either, but when walking through your house becomes a state approved obstacle/training course it's time for a little cleaning up. Operative word-
little. Gathered all items into a line, spread my homemade rug freshner (yes I make my own,
cheap frugal genius that I am) and vacuumed on both sides of the line.
Whaaaaatttt?? You thought I put everything away?
Bueno, para no cansarte, I got tired after that (and my regular 10 hours of Twitter & Feibu) and took a nap. The "nap" lasted 7 hours. Jolting from sleep I asked Marti what happened to her usual 2 am appearance? She just smiled and said, "Asi es, that's what you get when you're not all rested up and waiting for my brilliance." ::sigh:: Lesson learned.
After making Martinique her cafecito just the way she likes it- fuerte with lots of sugar and espumita, she informs me that we will be continuing The Month of Love. "Si, I sense that's a good topic, y vamos usar that- Amor via the senses." "Oye, no hay cookie with this café?"
And so dear reader, there you have it- BB's 1st series. I suppose the last post would fall under the sense of Sight, so this one will be for the sense of Taste. Soul of Cubana that I have I would have started with this sense as all our views,beliefs, sayings, come down to comida, pero, I'm not questioning her- as I said, lesson learned.

But of course I had to start off with this one.
How tempting, aprobo and perfect verdad?
Oh my. Perfection once again.
If I am to truly continue the series I must once again mention individuals who merit attention. For this post no one but Janet Christina of Sweet Temptations comes to mind.
Chocolate Covered Oreos.
Red Roses Oreo
For those that can't choose between roses or chocolate- the perfect combo.
Pink Hearts Oreo |
When words aren't needed.
I love you Oreo |
I do Love Oreo |
When you can't say it enough.
And I can't say it enough- lesson learned. I also can't say it enough- how much I appreciate all of you and love the time we spend bailando. Sorry this post is late, but know it was made with love in the heart and cafe con chocolate on the lips. ; ♥ See you for part III.
Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.
P.S. Actually, these oreos could have gone into the prior post- they truly are works of art. Also, as in the prior post, no compensation was given for mentioning the product, but should the artist care to send BB some of the art she won't say no. ; )
P.P.S. Also sending ♥ to my comadre in computerland
Grandma Juice, who let me know the battle against seriousness and cleanliness is not mine alone. Tambien, gracias to her I now know the correct usage of P.P.S.
Dropping by from the Curious Hop! New GFC follower! Can I get a follow back please? Thanks!
Hola and welcome!! BB bailando to your blog-BB2U.