Ok si, yo se, what a major title-woah. But then again my beautifuls, what a major viaje, on so many levels, is the
American Latino Heritage Roadtrip! Now the major part of this of course is the driving. Considering I would be the driver in the adventure, I wanted to scout out the roads and chose to leave home
Up North in The South via bus. Que?? Solita- by myself? Maybe I'd end up with un estraño next to me?
JU SO FONII!!! Traveling solo was one of the reasons I look forward to someone else driving, and as far as a stranger sitting next to me... vamos people, it's not like BB's your average looking person either! Realmente, I've always enjoyed my bus rides. I get to rest, do a little bit of wifi, and meet the
neatest people.
PLUS the extra hours let me pack an extra big snack bag.
2 little coolers plus other incidentals
Knowing this was not the opportunity for Cuban time, I arrived at the terminal one hour earlier as they suggested. Esta bien, 50 minutes earlier than the departure time- for a Cubana that's like being uber early, don't split hairs ok? This was the scene I found.
::sigh:: I'll never get used to American time.
Bueno, I was one of the last in line, but I made it!! I got on the guagua, and almost fell with the weight of my snack bag because the driver hadn't placed the stepbox they usually add for us to climb onboard. Oh my. Apparently the driver was an ex-drill sargeant and wanted us to do exercise. I say this because when he started stating the rules of riding, he was combo Major Payne and Kindergarten Cop. De veras, truly, don't laugh! He even made someone stop talking because "he would not repeat what he was saying or answer any questions that he was addressing". Oh my! Well, at least I'd be able to Feibu y Tweety during the trip. Nana nina- nothing doin', no way. This was a "white bus", an older vehicle without Wifi. No way! They really should state that on the tickets- let us know which trips would be using the older buses. As if to answer my mental indignation, to show me it's age, or perhaps to cool me down, I felt something cold and wet fall next to me.

For those that were worried someone strange would be sitting next to me, this constant wet yellow friend assured me plenty of snack bag space and ample leg room. Not only that, but thanks to the very early departure time, I was able to sleep until Orlando where there would be a driver change and bus check.
No hay mal que por bien no venga. There's always a silver lining.
Once in the Orlando terminal we had a layover where I observed the most curious thing. Apparently homeland security believes riders and their bags should only be checked if they are going north of Orlando... guess they figured those of us going to Miami are used to the guns??
Anyway, we made a line to reboard and all joyfully met our new driver Mr. Crawford. Si, he actually stated his name and put the stepbox for us! Pobrecito Major KinderCop was probably grumpy because he had to wake up so early, and BB can certainly sympathize with that, but THIS is the bus service I'm used to. For the most part, drivers and riders are very polite, helpful and friendly if allowed to be. But as in all things, there are exceptions and the superlatives. On this ride, el sobresaliente, the rider who caught Babushka's breath was Harvey.
While waiting to reboard, a man who was ahead of me in the line offered to help with my bags and exchange places with me. I was grateful and thanked him, but I assured him I was fine. Now you cynics might think it's because I was old- and if you were here I'd give you a
::BOPASO:: - but no, he was being a gentleman. I know this because I started paying attention to his actions and he was kind to everyone. He even bought water for an Asian exchange student who didn't speak English very well and was on her way to a Miami student hostel. By now you know BB has to speak her mind, especially when I see something that brings me joy. At one of the last stops I asked him, "So what's your story?" He looked me straight in the face and said, "I lost everything and I'm on my way south to start over again." Wow. As straight forward and true as his actions. I explained to him about my Baile, and that I always picked someone to do a little write up about and because of his chivalry and kindness he was the one I had chosen. His name is Harvey, from Louisiana, raised to be a gentleman; who "believes in being good to everybody and that only God can judge." Thank you sir. Your inner strength and actions inspire and are very appreciated.
Feeling good from my conversation with Harvey,
I went back on the bus and started assembling my third sandwich.
Queeee??? It's a 14 hour ride- don't judge.
Arriving before schedule, with a much lighter snack bag and well rested, I have to admit that overall I had a good viaje. I picked my destination and let someone else do the driving.
Sometimes that's the best way to live too.
; )
Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.
P.S. Just realized Harvey's picture came out with lights around it. I didn't put that there. What's the quote about entertaining strangers for they might be angels in disguise?? hmmm...
P.P.S. Another realization. If I needed a snack bag that size for 14 hours, what would I need to bring for a 7 day roadtrip? Pssst, Chevrolet, ya got any Hybrid 16 wheelers I can drive???
I love to be on the road. Cool that you met someone interesting to keep you company.
ReplyDeleteLinda Letty!! The road can be fun, but don't you get me in trouble w/Sweetie. ; ) I was NOT kept company, but I was kept entertained- by everyone on the bus. Nice group.
DeleteThanks for commenting y BB2U.
I love hearing your stories from the road. I'm from Louisiana too like Harvey, which explains why he was such a gentleman!! :)
So glad you enjoy my roadtrip tales, preparate for quite a few in the coming weeks!
DeleteThere really is something to be said about that southern charm isn't there? Even without the drawl they're still darlins!
Gracias for always coming by and commenting- very, very appreciated.
love your sense of humor BB!
ReplyDeleteheje And I love people who appreciate it!! Thanks for coming by and sharing a laugh.