Café crazed 1st Gen Cuban-American raised in Miami. 61 and living for fun! Spanglish speaking Mother of 3, Abuela of 6; a human shot of espresso and earnest in my extremism. An adventurer, dancer of life; loving its’ locuras and celebrating the "humanness" of all people. The binding ties of family, being female, getting older and day to day life while hopefully enlightening and entertaining- this is the reason for Babushka and her dance.
Hoy Babushka will be reviewing a game app. Queeee?? JU SO FONII , no, BB has not strayed from my mission. Video Games are an adventure for Babushka; the last one I really got hooked on was Donkey Kong, back in the 80’s, while I was waitressing at the Lum’s in Hialeah. So si, it’s been awhile, so this is new, but still true to me because it’s about music. Zya. Not only is it about music, it’s about making MY OWN music. Ahuh, ahora you see why BB said Si.
Buenisimo right??
Ok, it's BB’s turn to make a music video.
First, the tutorial.
The music studio where you'll be taping your megahit!
Si, so far BB can imagine that...
BB could actually follow along! A feat within itself.
The "Artist" (that would be BB) picked who they wanted in their group, the song, the hook, the beat, whether to sing or use an instrument to synthesize your voice. Babushka wanted to keep it real and make it obvious it was truly BB who did the video. At the end, the mixmaster takes your masterpiece and you've got-
Esta bien, not quite a masterpiece, and perhaps Babushka should have used the voice synthesizers, but it was BB's own and it was fun!! And isn't that what a game should be?? Can't wait to share this with My Little One and the grandbabies. Oh, maybe I should get another ipad before I do., BB sooo sees getting it back with 0 power on it!!!
You can say that this is a sponsored post through the Word or Mouth Women Network or WOMWomen Network. Whichever you prefer. You can add that all opinions are your own but you’ve got such a strong voice I’m guessing that goes without saying.
They ain't just whislin' La Guantanamera!!!
BB loves those gals; so nice to be appreciated for being oneself.
P.S. My Beautifuls, if any of you upload your ZYA video please let BB know, I'd love to comment on it!!
Bohemian Babushka
Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!
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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!
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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!