HolaHolaHola My Beautifuls!!
Babushka's so excited to be going w/
El Dr to this conference! Quee?? Taking a child to a conference? Sola?? Ok si, not usually done, but then again this isn't the usual kind of group or conference. That's why
Bloggin' Mamas is happy and honored to collaborate with
Niche Parent Network for their 2014 conference taking place in the happiest place on earth- Walt Disney World Florida!
A Glimpse of what's in store during the conference:
#NicheParent14 Agenda- Where Content Matters
Please note, the agenda will be updated with additional events as we work with our sponsors. As speakers are finalized and events are confirmed we will make announcements to update everyone. Child care will be provided during conference sessions.
Thursday, October 16th
| |
3:00 PM | Hotel check-in begins & Conference Registration/Badge Pick-Up |
4:00-5:30 | Pre-Conference Mastermind Think Tanks (Small Groups) |
6:30-8:30 pm | Kick-Off Opening Event- Family Friendly |
| |
Friday, October 17th
| |
8:30 am-9:00am | Breakfast Buffet (Registered Bloggers/Influencers/Media Only) |
8:30-am 12:30 pm | Kid Zone is open for drop off (registered children up to 13 years old welcome) |
9:00-9:10am | Welcome Address |
9:10-9:55am | Opening keynote @KimGarst |
9:55-10:00 | BREAK |
- Organize Your Blog – Organize Your Life: How To Create More Content Than You Can Write @EllaRucker, @LorraineCLadish
- Link, Leverage and Build: Collaborating within your Network to Create a Signature Brand @ToyaNicoleMedia @MixedUpClothing @abeautyscarlet
- Motherhood w/ @JulieCole of Mabel’s Labels
11:10-11:45 | Tribe Building Roundtables: Build Your Tribe One Person At A Time |
11:50-12:30 | Afternoon Keynote Address By Painting with A Twist Founders, Renee Maloney and Cathy Deano @pwatcorporate |
12:30 pm 1:30 pm | Family Lunch Buffet Style |
1:30 to 4:30 | Sponsored Event by Chevrolet  |
1:30 to 4:30 | Winter Wonderland Hands-On Expo |
6:30 until 9:30 | Friday evening event. Family Friendly |
Saturday, October 18th
| |
8:30-9:00am | Breakfast Buffet (Registered Bloggers/Influencers/Media Only) |
8:30-am 12:30 pm | Kid Zone is open for drop off (registered children up to 13 years old welcome) |
9:00- 9:45 | Saturday Morning Keynote: Alberto Sardiñas |
9:45-9:50 | BREAK |
9:50-10:55--Breakout Sessions |
- Metrics, and why they matter to your blog and brand. @STYLEMOM @danicaKimbol
- 30 Easy changes to make for GIANT growth! @iBlogMag
- The Secret Formula to YouTube/Vlogging @PiccoloMondoPR
11:00-12:30 – Hands-On Professional Development Workshops |
- Pitching, Booking, and Acing Your Media Interview at Local & National Level @DrDraiOBGYN , @PruneJuiceMedia @MommyTalkShow @thatJORIANgirl
- Food Photography & Styling (Bring Your DSLR)
- The Hands-On SEO Workshop You’ve Always Wanted @MattWallaert@Momables
12:30 pm 2:00 pm | Family Lunch Buffet & Family Activity Sponsored by Painting With a Twist |
2:15 to 3:45 - Hands-On Professional Development Workshops |
- Turning Pinterest into Your Blog’s #1 Growth Engine @EducatorsSpin
3:45 to 5:45 pm | Enjoy the resort, Explore Disney |
6:00- until 8:30 | Buses depart to Animal Kingdom for Safari Sunset Dinner |
And as if that couldn't get better- how about winning a pass to said conference??
BB not share a chance to go to #NicheParent14 ?? JU SO FONII !!!
Go to Bloggin' Mamas and enter the giveaway.
Nos vemos alli, See y'all there- with sunscreen on and ready to "work".
P.S. The link for tickets is up above for those of you who don't want to leave the fun up to fate.
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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!