HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
This post was originally shared in 2012.
Thankfully La Tata is still with us and will be celebrating her 93 (or 94) birthday. Enjoy the party!!
On Saturday our family celebrated
La Tata's birthday. From a family of 12 children, La Tata is the sole survivor. That, and the fact that she's much loved and just turned 90 made it a full house. Imagínate, get that many Cubans together...
Master of Ceremonies was
Nicanor Gonzalez,
La Tata's first cousin on both mother's
and father's side.
What can I say- it was a very small town.
Nica was chosen because he's the chief of chistes (jokes) and an orator extraordinaire.
PLUS he's the one who's known La Tata the longest and is her best sparing partner.
Among La Tata's many accomplishments is the well known fact that she had my father when she was 5.
Truly- otherwise how could she have been 29 yrs old for so long?
; )
During his homenaje he announced that we were all there under false pretenses.
La Tata was in fact 92 years old, not 90 as she claimed.
Let the sparing begin!!!
" ¿A esta edad me voy a quitar años?"
"At this age I'm going to take off years, lie about my age?"
"La costumbre Tata, la costumbre." "Habit Tata, it's habit."
Due to the reputation of both, we didn't know who to believe, but in reality it didn't matter. We were family, together, having fun. We danced, squeezed babies and caught up on each other's lives.
Que?? JU SO FONII!!! No, not everyone has Feibu y Tweety.
Besides, as I said before- get that many Cubans together and you're gonna have
Close up of the cake. There were 2 other banquet tables filled with food. |
Being Dignified with our Must Have Fans |
Dignified? Who are we kidding?!?! |
but most of all-
After returning home, I asked La Tata what was the best part of the day. "Well... it was such a wonderful day. The family all together, the food, the presents... but if I had to pick one thing, I'd say the best part of the gathering was it was for my birthday- not my wake." ahuh now you know where I get it from.
Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.
P.S. This year La Tata wants a road trip!! Oh Si she does.
So off to Tally with fun stops along the way. Stay tuned to see where she wants to go.
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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!