June 07, 2017
$529 Towards The Grands Education. ESOOOO!!! #CollegeSavingsPlan #StartingIsBelieving #sweepstakes ad
Bohemian Babushka June 07, 2017
This is a sponsored post between Florida Prepaid College and Bloggin' Mamas. Opinions and love expressed are all Babushka's.
HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!!!
With 6 Grands, you KNOW Babushka has to share this info correcto?? This isn't la primera vez that BB writes about the Florida Prepaid College gente. Sometimes BB feels like they're parte de la familia. Bueno, actually they are. Over 20 years, first with The Trio and now con los nietos. A wonderful way for Florida residents to start their little loved ones on the path toward higher education. Y ahora an even bigger incentive. A giveaway to 10 families of $529 to go towards college. Can BB get an ESOOO!!??!!
Here are the details of the Florida 529 Savings Plan Scholarship Giveaway:
What: The Florida 529 Savings Plan Scholarship Program and you could be one of 10 lucky winners of a $529 scholarship deposited into a Florida 529 Savings Plan account.
When: Enter anytime between May 15 and June 11
How: Visit florida529savingsplanscholarship.com daily
Not quite sure what the 529 Savings plan es or how to start? Aqui tienes:
What is a 529 Savings Plan?
529 savings plans are named after section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code 26 U.S.C. § 529 and are designed to encourage saving for future higher education expenses of a designated beneficiary. Many states offer 529 savings plan options, including Florida Prepaid.
Money from a 529 plan can be used for tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment required for study at any accredited college, university or vocational school in the United States and at some foreign universities. The money can also be used for room and board, as long as the fund beneficiary is at least a half-time student. Off-campus housing costs are covered up to the allowance for room and board that the college includes in its cost of attendance for federal financial-aid purposes. Qualified education expenses do not include student loans and student loan interest. There is legislation currently going through Congress that will expand the qualified expenses.
The Florida 529 Savings Plan can be started at anytime and only requires a $25 initial deposit to open. Even if you can’t save for your child’s entire college education, starting something is always better than doing nothing. The funds in a Florida 529 Savings Plan can be used for any qualified higher educational expense, including tuition, room & board, textbooks, graduate school and much more. This gives you extreme flexibility to use the funds as you see fit, for whatever your child may need. And should those needs change during his/her college years, individuals are free to adjust as well.
The Florida 529 Savings Plan offers you the ultimate in flexibility. Simply choose from the investment options, then contribute as much and as often as you’d like to suit your budget and goals. Each investment option, such as our popular age-based option that automatically allocates contributions based on the age of the child, is independently run by professional investment managers. There are 11 investment options let you invest in any way you feel comfortable. From more aggressive to more conservative options, and with age-based and fully customized approaches, you have as much control as you want over how much you invest and where it’s invested. And as the years go by, you’re free to change contribution amounts and how they are allocated at any time.
BUENISIMO VERDAD?? See the website for more informacion.
Because Kaching! Is one of the loveliest sonidos ever.
Especially when it goes to a loved one's future.
Not enter this one?? JU SO FONII!!!
BB's already got 3 entries in.
Buena Suerte Beautifuls!
The link again- $529 Savings Sweepstakes

Bohemian Babushka
Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!
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