June 16, 2020

Come Out & Play #Giveaway Hop- @BabushkasBellas $20 GC #SummerGiveaways

giveaway hop

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

It's already June and if you're anything like Babushka you definitivamente need a reason to "Come Out & Play" !  This is a gotta do for many reasons. Primero, if you've been following BB's social media you know she just got a kitten for Mother's Day that looks a lot like the one in this foto. Segundo, the prize here is BUENISIMO. Y lastly, these giveaway hops are just plain old fun!! So, vamos a empezar. Here's the lista Beautifuls:

Did you see all those blogs con concursos?? Here's BB's contribution to the hop-

Babushka's Bellas lillarose.biz/BabushkasBellas

$20 Gift Certificate on BB's Lilla Rose site- shipping on Babushka! 
Cuantas Bellezas!! Go ahead and visit the site and set your eyes on your prize. There are so many choices and different ways to use the productos, you'll be feliz with the possibilities! 

So have fun entering all the concursos
and Buena Suerte Beautifuls!!

Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!


  1. I would buy a couple of books and some Dutch cocoa powder.

    1. don't think those are options, but thanks for commenting!

  2. One of the items I would purchase would be EUNICE #3738 in brass, Love this.

  3. Gaaahhhhh!!! Casi no puedo decidir. :p Mi madre really likes ladybugs, pues I might use it on LADYBUG #2582. Tambien me encantan los hairbands with beads, por ejemplo el HUES OF BLUES #2512.
    --Ann B.

    1. De veras hay tantas bellezas! Gracias por su comentario.

  4. I would buy one of the hairbands but I am not sure which one because there are so many awesome choices that I like. It is so hard to choose!

  5. I would get a hairpin for my daughter.

  6. I would put the gc towards a set of the rose gold Posie upins.

  7. I would get the Rays of Sunshine hairband.

  8. A new headband for sure!


  9. I would order VIOLET #2689 in a few sizes.

  10. I would get the long knot #3023. It's a U-Pin and looks like a celtic knot.

  11. I would buy a new headband for my niece!

  12. I will give the gift card to my wife and daughter and let them fight over who gets what...

  13. Ooh, I might try some of their pretty U-Pins...especially some with hearts and/or flowers. Thanks and God Bless! ILuvTheEucharist @ aol dot com

  14. I would get the SHANNON #3826 turtle clips.


Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!