July 10, 2020

Do you have it all Under CONTROL? #DisasterPreparedness

The following is a sponsored post for CONTROL Your Health Record® by EMTeLINK®
Como siempre, the story y opinions belong to BB.

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
It's official; Florida is in the hurricane season. Babushka lived through Hurricane Andrew down in Miami, and not learn a thing o dos because of it? Be caught totally unprepared? JU SO FONII!!
No, No, not otra ves. Es mas, every season, a visitar the Florida Division of Emergency Mgmt website to see their recommendations and Disaster Supply Kit Checklist.  Of course they have agua, food, batteries, pero on the top is "At least two weeks supply of medication, medical supplies used regularly and a list of allergies Information about where you receive medication, the name of the drug, and dosage List of the style, serial number, and manufacturer information of required medical devices". Under important documents is "Medical Records". 

Print screen straight from the site. Si, BB was impressed.
This is not to be taken lightly Beautifuls. There are many reasons one debe tener easy access to medical records, but it's especially vital during disaster situations like hurricanes. In caso of evacuation, are you prepared? Make sure you have all medical records of yourself and your familia if you have to evacuate. Many deaths are caused because responders don't have the medical informacion of victims during evacuations. Don't take a chance when the information can be easily accessed via a phone app!

CONTROL Your Health Record® powered by EMTeLINK® is a revolutionary way to keep your most important health information with you at all times. CONTROL was developed based on a simple mission: To Save Lives by preventing medical errors through secure, on-demand access to your healthcare information.

Take it from one who's lived through a hurricane, your mente se va. Details such as medicines and dosages don't come to mind quickly or completely, so what a maravilloso way to have it all a mano. One less thing to worry or think about. Oh, y si por alguna razon, if for any reason you are hurt or separated from your loved ones, you can send them your GPS location.  Talk about peace of mind!

Join BB and thousands of others who are protecting themselves and their loved ones. All resting easy that their seres queridos and their medical records are secure because they've joined and taken CONTROL.

May we never have to use it for an emergencia, 
pero que bueno to know it's there.



Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!


  1. This app sounds like a really great idea! Stay safe down there!

    1. It truly is something we've needed so long! Staying safe and sound.

  2. I lived through our hrricane or storm Sandy and it caused so much damage. Keeping your medical records up to date and available is such a smart idea.

    1. Aren't disasters just horrible?? Glad someone finally came up with the medical records idea aren't you?

  3. I am from a barrier Island in New Jersey and have been through many hurricanes. The worst was the most recent one, Sandy but I remember Gloria when I was young.

    1. They truly are things one never forgets. Andrew was atrocious!

  4. Luckily we don't have to worry about hurricanes. But it is definitely important to be prepared for those who do.

    1. For hurricanes and ANY sort of emergency, it's great having medical records on hand.

  5. We don't live near the coast but we still get gusty winds and rain here when a hurricane hits the coast of NC and it's still scary. Y'all stay safe. -LYNNDEE

  6. These are great tips for being prepared. I experienced Hurricane Andrew too. I was on a boat in the Miami River. It was a night I'll never forget.

  7. We don't get anything crazy in the midwest here where I live just outside of Chicago. I can't even imagine.

  8. These are some wonderful insights. I've survived hurricane Erma so I can totally feel how important it is to prepare in advance!

    1. Hurricanes bring what's important into perspective don't they?

  9. Love this idea. It sounds perfect to have all the medical info under our control when we need it.

    1. Wonderful idea, 'bout time someone got it done. Best of all, they did it right.


Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!