This is my ode/mental calendar/mental breakdown for June. Quee?? It's such a nice month says you?? JU SO FONII !!! The locura of the holiday season is nothing compared to my Junes. At least Thanksgiving, Noche Buena/Christmas, New Years and Reyes have sales, and nicer cooler weather, not to mention at least a week between each other. June for BB is Fuacata! Constant motion for Babushka.
Junio, the month of commencements- as in graduations, and the beginning of summer. This is the month that sets the tone, is the point of speculation for the rest of the season. This is the month where suntan lotion sales & bug repellants get their boost. Depending what the days of June bring is what we will buy/look forward to during verano. And then there are those of us who live in Miami and have to buy the combo lotion... and stock in the local electric company.
Graduations, weddings, summer vacations. Ok si, BB hears y'all say everyone's Junes have that, pero My Beautifuls, the powers that be decided vacations in June for Babushka were not to be. Y'all ready for the Baile of Junio?? ::breathing deeply & at full lung capacity:: Aqui vamos! Here we go!!
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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!