Café crazed 1st Gen Cuban-American raised in Miami. 62 and starting anew!! Spanglish speaking Mother of 3, Abuela of 6; a human shot of espresso and earnest in my extremism. An adventurer, dancer of life; loving its’ locuras and celebrating the "humanness" of all people. The binding ties of family, being female, getting older and day to day life while hopefully enlightening and entertaining- this is the reason for Babushka and her dance.
From the joy of hope to the heartbreak of tyranny,and back again. That was this dia.
It has been 10 años since the passenger trains had come to Tallahassee. As a matter of fact My Eldest and La Tata were on that last train, and they loved it. Right afterwards, Hurricane Katrina came through and crashed that line; it was never re established. Now the people of Tallahassee are rallying for the return, and that rally, she was good.
A photo posted by Bohemian Babushka (@bbabushka) on
Not a bad turnout considering it was 2 pm on a workday. Babushka was proud to be part of the turnout, of people who cared about their community and what happens to it. A few hours later it was to happen again, but on the flip side.
A photo posted by Bohemian Babushka (@bbabushka) on
Intimate. Intense. Sensing the Seering Sincerity of Pain and Pride. The telling of the past, with its tortures, and its survival. How today we still can feel all of it. How words and song still keep it, and us, alive.
Powerful and potent, the stories as well as the players. It was standing room only and sold out each night of performance. Thankfully they will have another performance again on March 15, and if you are in Tallahassee, or can make it up here for Slave Narratives, BB highly recommends it.
En realidad it was an emotionally charged dia,pero if you think BB wished otherwise, JU SO FONII!!! True, the last portion was heavy in its history, but upon reflection it heightened the promises and potential of today's Tallahassee. From the days of slavery, to present times where our elected officials are diverse yet united in many issues. The day waspowerful on all levels and very indicative of the offerings and mindset of Tallahassee. We are very conscious of our history, the good and the bad, embrace it,and then share it with those around us. Ojala you get to visit soon and see why Babushka dice
Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.
P.S. BB will definitely be writing more about the Slave Narratives- Memoirs of Captivity in a future post. For now you can follow Midtown Entertainment Group on Feibu and see all the wonderful things they have going on and in the works.
Bohemian Babushka
Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!
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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!
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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!