Babushka is a
Bloggin' Mamas Florida Prepaid Mamabassador and is compensated for this post, pero as stated before, the real compensation comes with knowing BB's provided The Trio & now The Grands with an ayudita in their future. Opinions stated are 100% Babushka's.
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HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
There's a great quote on the Florida Prepaid Main Site page-
Your little one will be ready for college before you’re ready to let them go.
Start saving today.
They ain't just whistlin' La Guantanamera Beautifuls!
It was just ayer that Babushka was saving for The Trio's college education, and now she's getting ready to save for Grands #5!! El tiempo is a fast traveler and the best travel plan is saving for their college/university tiempo ahora. Go ahead and start. What's the peor that could happen? Here are some misconceptions and fears que BB's gonna stop right now.

You do not lose your monies nor your plans if you move out of Florida, AND Florida Prepaid isn’t restricted to Florida schools; the amount covered by your Prepaid Plan can be used at schools nationwide. Not only that, pero if you move out of Florida after purchasing a Prepaid Plan, your child would still be billed at in-state tuition rates when using their plan at a Florida college or state university.
And what if your child decides classrooms aren't para ellos? Este BB knows first hand. My son MAC decided to skip university and is now a Master Electrician. So don't worry If your child doesn’t go to college, you can change the beneficiary of the Prepaid Plan or get your money back. Ahora the dinero Babushka had on the plan for him,he put towards Rinquincaya's, his son's, education. Nothing lost, and now the next generation's future is gained.
It doesn't take a lot to help in your loved ones future. The earlier you start, the younger they are, the lower the monthly cost. Imagine the possibilities you give them, how your confidence in their potential is shown with the Florida Prepaid College Board plans.
Go ahead and sign up, porque you know you want to. You want to let them know how much potential they have and what an education will give them. Pa' luego es tarde because their time to attend college will arrive much faster than you expect. Open Enrollment ends on Feb.28, 2017 #StartingisBelieving - in all of you.
Ok, Babushka knows there are some questions todavia. Here it is straight from ellos-
"Florida Prepaid College Plans allow you to prepay the future cost of college. When your child is ready for college, the plan pays the tuition, tuition differential fee and other specified fees covered under the plan.
Guaranteed – Every Prepaid Plan is guaranteed by the State of Florida, so you will never lose your investment.
Nationwide – Even if your child attends an out-of-state or private college, the plan will pay the same amount as it would pay at a public college or university in Florida.
Scholarships – If your child receives a scholarship, you can get a refund for the same amount as the plan would pay a public college or university in Florida.
10 Years – Your child has up to 10 years after his or her year of projected enrollment to use the plan."
So now that your hesitations and qualms se terminaron, BB not give you one more ayudita?
Use the PromoCode BLOG1617 to save 50% of the enrollment fee.
Recuerden- #StartingisBelieving
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