July 28, 2019

Loving @BrooklynCloth , Their Passion & Their PRIDE

 BB answered an email titled- LGBT PITCH: PRIDE collection by Brooklyn Cloth, and is so glad she did!  As is customary, BB received clothing samples to faciliatate the post, pero what is not customary was the calidad, definitely sobre lo usual.  Lo bueno es Bueno, but the quality of clothing, and the message behind them were so espectacular que Babushka and BB’s Little One had to take a ride down to St. Petersburg for the perfect backdrop for these perfect piezas.  

Brooklyn Cloth_PRIDE Collection_Plus size model

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
"Introducing the PRIDE Collection by Brooklyn Cloth, with a focus on awareness in regards to the LGBTQ community and what it means to be proud of who you are. The clothing line is centered around love, equality and unity, with the most iconic symbol being the rainbow because of its inclusivity into the community, welcoming every color. The collection incorporates all the splashes of color onto the garments, giving each piece boldness. To counter all hateful rhetoric, the founders incorporated common, yet powerful symbols such as the smiley face, peace sign, and the heart to reinforce that the message of “love."

Brooklyn Cloth is a fashion-forward line in the “fast fashion” junior’s market, co-founded by Daron Jacob while working with Urban Outfitters and Tilly’s. Jacob noticed many of the men’s products in the mass market were too pricy, so he created fresh designs for a low price point with Brooklyn Cloth. Created to fit the laid-back, yet distinguished individual that roams the boroughs of New York City, the design team mirrors this demographic and lifestyle. The energy and attitude of bustling streets and the vibes of the East Coast are woven into the fabrics of the garments, giving off an authentic, pure aesthetic of this unique lifestyle. The makers design their own fabrics, beginning from the yarn level— focusing on items such as Joggers, Shorts and tees using Space Dye and Snow. Jacob notes, “We are focused on the Gen Z consumer. Someone who is not defined as one fashion or style but likes to change up their looks depending on their mood.”

Brooklyn Cloth_Pride Collection

Marvelous mensaje verdad Beautifuls? Gen Z may be their target, but BB's Millenial fell in love with them imediatamente. Any and all ages can wear these. Honestly, seeing her so feliz and comfortable in the clothing filled this Babyboomer with hope y nostalgia. Si, Pride in every sense of the palabra.

Brooklyn Cloth_PRIDE COLLECTION_StPetersburg_Dominique Larrea
Little One feeling happy and worthy.

Brooklyn Cloth_StPetersburg_PRIDE COLLECTION
Feeling Bella gracias to Bella clothing and surroundings.

The stock pics and links to pieces modeled-  
Love & Equality Tee -Love is Love Denim Jacket-White Rainbow Track Hoodie

Y one more foto, and the only one we truly need to remember.
BrooklynCloth_All You Need is Love_Plus Size model_Dominique Larrea


Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!


  1. yes yes yes! love this and thanks for sharing such a great article!

  2. So glad I got to see your photos of this clothing line. Everything is so cute and colorful like I knew it would be. I especially love the jean jacket.

  3. This sounds like such an amazing collection! What a great range for them to have put together, I totally need to share this ASAP!

  4. This is the best collection! We love supporting Pride! I'll have to look into this, because I love that jean jacket.

  5. Love all of the items in this collection. Everything is so pretty and colorful, the jacket is my favorite.

  6. What a wonderful collection! I like how creative all these looks are! So colorful and comfy to wear!

  7. This is such a great collection, so bright and colorful and I love the message! My daughters would love it.

  8. Brooklyn Cloth sounds like a really great brand. And I love supporting pride!

  9. What a fun clothing collection! All of these outfits look super comfy and festive. And I love that beautiful wall art!

  10. These are fancy and beautiful outfits. Love that they are for a good cause!

  11. It's really look great and such a very new looks this generation something peaceful and has a symbol for pride and equality. Super love it.

  12. Sounds like an awesome clothing collection. Everything looks so nice. I would love to get some clothing for myself too. I really like these pieces.

  13. What a great clothing line. All the clothes look comfortable and adorable. Yes, Love is Love indeed!


  14. All the items are beautiful! I think the clothing line is amazing.

  15. So happy that you shared information about this clothing line! I love the vibe about it and the look!

  16. Those outfits are so fancy and pretty colorful! I will have to check out this clothing line!


Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!