May 03, 2020

Sunday Smiles #COVID19 #JUSOFONII #ComicRelief *5.3.2020

2020 Toilet Paper Shortage  COVID19

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

 No se what day we're on in the US pandemic quarantine, pero we're on edition #5 of Sunday Smiles.  Although BB wishes we didn't have a #COVID19 tema, Babushka's glad not everyone is doom and gloom. Here we're Hola JaHa's porque honestly, isn't that better??

NOT being political, just clarifying...

On line school learning 2020

Classes online

Who says horoscopes aren't for real??

Now you KNOW BB had to include este right?

and after that, all that's left to say es-

Babushka Besos a todos.  Cuidensen.

Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!


  1. Oh boy, injecting disinfectants LOL. Love that one! Thanks for keeping us smiling :-)

  2. Ha funny and so true about the horoscope. That's what I've been doing!

  3. LOL. You got me with those horoscopes at first! I think for the first time ever, they will be 100% accurate!

  4. You are so funny amiga thanks for the laughs and entertainment amiga.

  5. I love the humour; we need lots of that these days.

  6. This is definitely funny! It really made me laugh so loud. Thanks for sharing this and for spreading good vibes.

  7. These are too cute! So glad that we have internet and social medias during this isolation eriod!

  8. Mama Maggie's KitchenMay 7, 2020 at 7:50 AM

    This really made my day! After all what is happening right now, we all need a good laugh. Thanks for sharing your positive vibes.

  9. That joke about disinfectant is so funny. And so correct. LOL. I will def share it with the hubs. -LYNNDEE

  10. I love all of these. They are so funny. It's nice to have a little bit of humor with all that's going on.

  11. These are so funny. I love that people are being so creative in the midst of this.

    1. Creatiity is the only thing keeping some of us half sane. Glad you liked.

  12. Oh those are some great MEMEs I hadn't seen yet. Definitely humor is what is keeping me sane now!

  13. Oh the horoscope part is so funny! I do not really believe it but now I do. Lol!

  14. Injecting disinfectant got me crazy when I heard it. Things are getting funny and crazy day by day while on lockdown.

    1. Day by day crazier. You ain't just whistlin' La Guantanamera my friend!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. So funny. The ingesting disinfectants is the most ridiculous. Can't really argue with the horoscopes :) Thanks for the sparkle in my day.


Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!