May 24, 2020

Sunday Smiles #COVID19 #JUSOFONII #ComicRelief *5.24.2020

classic art memes corona19

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

The Corona Virus continues, so too do the memes.  Those of y'all who follow BB knows she loves the classics. Queee?? JU SO FONII !! Si, for some of you that's anything over 20 years old, pero these are truly classics with a bit of a twist. Kinda like Babushka. 

family during quarantine

Casa BB has a set of twins (Sweetie and BIL) so you know the eyes started getting blurry...

classical art memes  corona19 book reading

De verdad, books from 2000...

original tmnt classical art memes

Grands, Dr.J was over, so BB just HAD to include this one.

a moms life  mona lisa quarantine

BB sees todos are nodding Si. 

lady macbeth 22 sec hand wash

lady macbeth 22 second covid handwash

And this week's feel mejor from Babushka?
From history we learn mankind survives with grit- and guffaws.
We will bounce back Beautifuls and un dia WE will be the classics.

Gypsy BB - Bohemian Babushka

Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.

Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!

1 comment:

Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!