HolaHolaHola My Beautifuls!!!
The month of May- Mother's Day.
A day BB remembers, celebrates, and sends gratitude to those who have been caring to me and mine.
Quee?? Y'all think Babushka has gone loca or commercial.
Some background info to this historia.
As soon as BB entered the hall, a Strayer University rep asked if I wanted to take a photo op. Por supuesto BB said Si, but couldn't decide on which sign to pick. She looked at me, showed me this one and said it was Babushka. Wow and Woah, and an i like, i like. Vieron the interest, and though there was hesitation they knew the perfect one for me. Turns out that's the way they run their whole operation. Pero more on that later, now let me tell you about one of their instructors.
A Colonel in the U.S. Army (Reserve), Dr. Irene Zoppi serving as a Commander with expertise in military intelligence, civil & public affairs; and graduated from the prestigious U.S. Army War College with a Master of Strategic Studies (2012). Currently, she is serving as a Full-time Professor for Strayer University; and is a Research Consultant and a visiting Adjunct Professor for Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), Ft. Benning, GA.- LinkedIn Profile
At HLS Irene Zoppi attended the Red Shoe Movement Session in the above footing. To illustrate how women can be strong and never lose the feeling of being feminine, how women wear many shoes in our lifetimes, and how we can succeed in all our journeys. It's just up to us to start and keep on walking. Needless to say I was most impressed by her and the University that believes one is never too old and it is never too late for education, and that what has been lived is worthy of acknowledment too.
Fast forward a year and it is now time for Hispanicize. BB almost didn't attend for lack of hotel sponsorship (the thought of being uncomfortable sleeping on La Tata's recliner and schleping from Little Havana to downtown Miami on public transportation wasn't too fonii) , but in the end, a reprieve. The S Sisters and Strayer premiaron my dedication. Another blogger had been given the sponsorship but couldn't attend, so guess who got her lodging??
Pero it wasn't a given My Beautifuls. No matter how tired BB was going to be, resignation to exhaustion had been made and I wasn't going to agree representing just any company. It goes both ways; they also had to believe and have trust in their representatives. BB became the final blogger on their Hispanicize team.
So, all that is well and bueno, but why does Babushka title this as a Mother's Day Post?
1. Strayer University treated all guests with respect and welcomed my friends.
They listened to their questions,dreams, & aspirations.
2. Strayer University takes their job/mission very seriously, but not themselves.
Lessons are learned so much better with a sonrisa.
3. They always had fun things to share and give to all visitors.
Pictured here is my daughter. She wrote her 1st blog post during Hispanicize.
which is a perfect lead into the next Strayer University positive point.
4. Strayer University believes in helping future leaders and those starting out,
with guidance, mentorship, and if possible even with financial assistance.
"Strayer University experts were at Hispanicize to discuss topics such as new business strategy, leadership and talent development, marketing and promotion in a global environment, and business communications throughout a number of activities. "
Full story on the above link.
Financial Assistance for their students:
For every 3 undergraduate courses you complete, we'll cover the cost of 1 future course - up to 25% of the cost of your degree.1
No Paperwork
There's nothing to sign or fill out. You're automatically enrolled, even if you're transferring credits.
No Restrictions
No GPA requirements. Successfully complete ANY course to build your fund, and ANY future course can be covered. 2
No Competition
Every new undergraduate student starts a fund. There are no limits to how many students benefit.3
No Expirations
Your fund keeps growing as long as you're enrolled and working towards earning your bachelor's degree.4
not BB's pic, but definitely BB in the pic
BB was able to speak with Strayer's Personal Success Coach Yuriko Almonte. The insights she had and the respect with which she treated my current actions and real life situations was most appreciated. A definite plus, proving how much Strayer wants their students to succeed in the real world, with real solutions.
5. Strayer University takes care of their own- with quality and the best they can.
Babushka's hotel room view, the room, and some of the many handouts given during #Hispz14.
So, with all the above stated, Strayer University has proven to BB they truly believe we are all #InThisTogether.
Really My Beautifuls- would Babushka have done this if they weren't special?
A frameable moment- Babushka exercising |
welcomed my friends, taught lessons with respect and a bit of fun,
spoiled with gifts and believed in BB with sponsorship.
Si My Beautifuls, me recuerda mucho a mi Mama-
and my mom would have loved them.
P.S. Gracias again to Strayer for their sponsorship,
P.P.S. My mother returned to college and received her Associate's Degree well after we had grown,
so in her memory and dedication is this post.
All Opinions & Views expressed are entirely
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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!