May 19, 2016

A #FamilyTravelChat & Puerto Vallarta #Giveaway 5/19 at 9pm ET


The Summer of Family Travel Giveaway- Win a 4 day/ 3 night stay for 4 to Velas Vallarta- Ends 6-7-16- US 18+

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!!

Another chat and giveaway- pero this time, TOGETHER!!!!!

Come join us tonight as we talk Summer Family Travel and Puerto Vallarta.  Aqui esta la lenguaje oficial:

As the school-year draws to a close, and you begin prepping for your summertime family travel adventures, we wanted to provide you with some resources, information, tips, deals and more with the launch of I Love Family Travel's The Summer of Family Travel series. There will be posts throughout the summer, all focusing on family travel.

To celebrate the launch, we've teamed up with the ILFT crew, Bloggin' Mamas and a whole bunch of traveling bloggers, to bring you a #FamilyTravelChat and a huge Giveaway!

#FamilyTravelChat 5/19

Join us on Twitter Thursday, 5/19/16 at 9p ET as we chat about summer vacation plans and deals, travel gear and more! One random chat participant will win some prizes from AquaVault® and our other sponsors.

Be sure to follow the chat panelists: @ILvFamilyTravel @BlogginMamas @HeLoEnterprises @BBabushka @JenReyneri @sjblahblahblog @CluelessMomma @SarahInTheBurbs @just2sisters2 @ItsFreeAtLast @Playroomreport @LifeWithKathy @traveljenn @seejackierunn @girlrocksosu @acomptonblogs @bottlesbanter @xxplumcrazeexx @localmomscoop @rkthatsjustlife @denisermt @DittlesWorld

To make it nice and easy for you to follow, here's the link to the twitter list with everyone: Now For The Giveaway! 5/17-6/7Velas Vallarta Logo

Velas Vallarta

Does a nice all-inclusive resort stay in sunny Mexico sound good to you? Well, thanks to our sponsor Velas Vallarta, we are giving away a 4 day/ 3 night all-inclusive stay for a family of 4 at their resort in beautiful Puerto Vallarta, valued at $2400!!!!!

Prize: 4 days/3 nights for a family of four in a Family Suite

Accommodations in a 2 Bedroom Family Suite -

All-Inclusive: All-inclusive rates include suite accommodations, a la carte gourmet meals at a variety of specialty restaurants, premium branded beverages, 24-hour in-suite service, fitness center, taxes, gratuity and more. – $2400This is open to US residents, age 18 and older. Entries must be received by June 7th, 2016 at 11:59pm ET. Sponsor responsible for prize fulfillment. Transportation not included. Refer to rafflecopter for terms & conditions.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Dis­clo­sure: Blog­gin’ Mamas is being com­pen­sated for man­ag­ing this give­away, but is not respon­si­ble for prize ful­fill­ment or ship­ment, nei­ther are any of the blog­gers involved in this give­away. This give­away is in no way affil­i­ated, endorsed, or asso­ci­ated with Face­book, Twit­ter, Pin­ter­est, Insta­gram, or any other social media out­let.

And there you have it Beautifuls!!
Good luck, y nos vemos on Tweety!


p.s.  and if you think BB isn't entering this one herself,  

Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!


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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!