I remember my maternal Grandmother, Mima, using a fan. She looked so exotic and elegant. She was 1/2 Chinese and always straight and ladylike and reminded me of the old time Chinese courts of royalty. But those eyes peering over the fan were filled with Cuban passion, ready to bop you with the fan if you were impertinent. OH, the multi purpose hand fan!
There is a certain aire about women with fans, a mystery to be unraveled. From a time when females were not allowed to publicly share their voices, they created the language of the fan. Between the position of the fan, the speed of fanning and their eyes, women of yore were understood perfectly. And let's not forget the final "he dicho" when that fan is closed curtly. I myself have mastered that one and have passed it on to the following generations- it's so much classier than cursing.
Now, I've always liked the hand held fan, but I must admit my appreciation didn't set in until the last couple of years. Because I got old? JU SO FONII !!! Not really, well, kinda sorta, ok, Si- air conditioning doesn't do much against the inner flames of aging if you know what I mean. Society still doesn't embrace sweat all over a woman's face, so the elegance of a fan evens out the playing field.
Should you think fans are only for cooling, let me bring you into the circle. They are great fashion accessories, mood barometers, and social statements. My trio knows that when the lace fan is out, Babushka's feeling like a lady, but when the plain paper one is pulled out- a correr!! That's my no nonsense,you -best- behave- bopping- on- the- head fan. ::BOPASO::
My middle of the road- jeans fan
And lastly, but not least, my new favorite-
"Proud to be Cuban, ask me about my heritage" fan
I included the tag on this "only in Miami" fan find. Unfortunately I could find no boxes for my precious loves so BB will start making them herself! ::closing fan curtly::
Hope you've enjoyed this FANtastic tale and join me in the Fellaship of the Fan.
Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.
Viva los abanicos! I have always adored hand fans, and my little 2 year old daughter is already developing quite an interest in mommy's fan collection. I have fans from Spain, Korea, Italy and China. I have fans made from palmetto, wood and silk. The jewel of my collection is a painted silk Japanese fan that my grandmother owned. When I am in my historic Spanish clothes, it feels like I am missing a limb if I don't have a fan to flourish. Viva, viva!
ReplyDeleteViva Lady Isabella!! Welcome to the Fellaship of the Fans to you and your daughter and a Bienvenida to my blog! Would love to see pictures of your collection if you'd care to share them. BB2U
ReplyDeleteP.S. Have you been able to find any decent sturdy boxes for our loves?
I've actually had a few fans myself. Mom and my Late gramma used them a lot. (:
ReplyDeleteAha!! Another member of the Fellaship of the Fans!!! Bienvenida to the club y BB2U.