Babushka es miembro de la Comunidad Social Fabric® de Collective Bias® .
Este post ha sido compensado como parte de una campaña de amplificación de compradores sociales para Collective Bias y sus clientes.
And since BB writes in Spanglish, let's do the English version of the disclosure.
Babushka's a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community.
This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias
and its advertiser.
Thank Goodness for the multipurpose fan! |
HolaHolaHola My Beautifuls!
That is the picture of Babushka getting ready for Spring Cleaning- #LimpiezadePrimavera.
Y'all know cleaning is about as high on BB's enjoyable,must do list as exercise, and in small, humid,spaces it's doble.
BB enjoy #LimpiezadePrimavera?? JU SO FONII!!!
Ok si, yo se, I know- cleaning is a necessary evil, and so in Babushka’s eyes that means spring cleaning is a super villain.
So who else but super heroes to do the job?
Babushka knew just who to call-
BB was so happy to see them at my Wakulla Walgreens that I just had to give them un big abrazote!! |
#MyColectiva helped me summon these SuperChampions- SuperCampiones of SC Johnson.
Not only did Walgreens have them on special, pero tambien, they also had a coupon on it!
Notice Babushka got the Antibacterial Multi Surface and the Toilet Wand.
Oh Si! The annihilation will be swift, strong, and sanitary.
Those germs stand no chance, and BB will shed neither sweat nor tears. Los dias de sudar y llorar se fueron.
Como decimos en buen Cubano- con estos SuperCampiones, SC Johnson "se lo comieron!"
Sabemos, we all know the commercials with the foaming bubbles-son Cutisimos!! Y que me dicen, what do y’all think of those crows hitting the clear windows? Bueno My Beautifuls, not only do these products, Scrubbing Bubbles y Windex talk the talk, they walk the walk.
Solamente con un Whissh! de Windex, se fueron todos los germenes- y que brillo!!
It was actually fun spraying with my SuperChampion Windex, each Whissh! brought clean and shine.
And the wand? Use it, then lose it. Non of those nasty toilet bowl germs hanging around.
BB actually got into cleaning- de veras!
Yo sabia que no me lo hiban a creer, so I took some photos.
Dueling the Dreaded Dungeon.
You see My Beautifuls?? Vieron??
Anything that can make cleaning fun tiene que ser, they've got to be SC!!
Cual es el peor de #LimpiezadePrimavera para ti?
What's the worst part of Spring Cleaning for you?
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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!