HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
BB supposes this falls under the "sponsored post" category for the FTC, considering all the products Babushka's received from the folks of ViveMejor/Unilever, pero because it's been years, it feels more like family reunions, parties where they give out recordatorios of the event. Y si Beautifuls, it has been years, since 2012 to be exact, when Babushka first saw the truth behind the ViveMejor philosophy.
At that first Hispanicize they set themselves apart by having a big room for their demonstrations. It was not only a place for great info,samples and swag, but in the midst of the "Potencia that is Hispanicize" it was a place of calm, to find center, feel welcomed. Matter of fact, there was a woman who used that space to breastfeed her child, that's how homey and loving the ViveMejor ambiance was. Whoever named it "Hogar
Vivemejor Lounge" deserves a definite
BB had just started blogging, and this was before Babushka had a smartphone, and before Instagram, so please forgive the blurriness. That's a scan of the actual program received, and the notes on it.
The post:
Skipping a year (and how everyone missed them), ViveMejor was at Hispz14, and the joy was heard from all! Pero BB had to be the one who jumped and shouted cheers the loudest. Quee? No surprise there? JU SO FONII!!! Seriously Beautifuls, though they were in an open corner, the colors, decor, speakers,the PR reps, we were back home y con familia. So many blogueras chose that space to just chill with each other and work. The something,something we all felt the first year was there again, it hadn't been lost. Todos felt again en casa and welcomed.
Y pa' que vean that Babushka wasn't alone in her admiration, mi amiga Tiffany concurred.

And theirs is not a one time amor Beautifuls. That feeling of appreciation is throughout the year.
Pictured are some wonderful foods made with productos de Unilever, Hairstyles by
Mario Anton ,
BB's post-
At Hispz15, if you see the
recap, you'll see ViveMejor shown 3x in a 15 sec flipagram. Chances are pretty good that if you were looking for BB, the ViveMejor corner was where you'd find me. There was pampering, product demonstrations, the ViveMejor team, and it seemed like all the blogueras ended up there too!
ViveMejor showed us how to get new life from products we've been using for generaciones, and how to seem/feel like new for those of us who've
been through generaciones.
Oh, y la Gallina Vieja in the pic? No, not BB, the cute one. Her name is Knorrmita.
Knorr- get it?
jehe Babushka's gotta love that
ViveMejor Bunch!
Ahora, I hear you say "Babushka, esta bien. I get you feeling en casa and comfortable in that surrounding, pero es pa' tanto?" Oh Si y You Betcha!! Let BB explain how she sees ViveMejor, its products, its team and its philosophy.
In 2012 the
ViveMejor Lounge was Babushka's calm in chaos, donde esta vieja could not only breathe, but breathe in the zen of the zone. It was here that I made the acquaintance of the team and saw Ema be assistant for another chef. The cariño and care they showed to this vieja,newbie bloguera touched me and forever engrained my appreciation. Es mas, when Ema was appointed as head chef for the next Hispanicize I felt like a proud tia and was so happy and proud of her. She truly is buena gente, and down to earth,
real. And that about encompasses the whole thought and ambiance behind ViveMejor. They see the REAL, the whole. Just look at the screenshot BB took of their site.
1st the fork/knife- Cocina y Recetas. Ya con eso they had BB.
2nd the comb- Belleza y Estilo To find one's personal beauty y style.
3rd the woman- Vida y Cultura- Life & Culture

They are including the WHOLE persona Beautifuls. THIS is what they saw in BB.
ViveMejor wants each of us to be the best that we can, have the best that we can, see the best in life that we can. Their products have been in our lives for generations and this site shows how we don't have to be stagnant- not with our foods, our views on beauty, nor with our definition of living. This page is about cultivating gratitud. Babushka for her part is very grateful to ViveMejor for being the first sponsor to believe in her and helping her to see what a Groovy Grandma, Vieja Viajera can do and how much she still has to do. Si, pa' BB ViveMejor es familia- and I'm a BIG believer in Nepotism and helping those you love. Y porque no? If you have someone you care for, you brag about them and share their accomplishments and good ideas verdad? So know it's from the corazon when Babushka shares these:
Go ahead and take a look around the
ViveMejor Sites Beautifuls.
Estoy segura you'll be as appreciative as Babushka.
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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!