August 15, 2016

A Fiesta fit for a Princess- @SeaWorld Splash Party #hosted

A storytime outing hosted by Seaworld, pero the opinions and the joy belong to BB y La Princesa.

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

This was the summer of La Princesa.  For those of you that don’t know, La Princesa is my granddaughter,our Hawaiian Princess, the only female in The Grands, party of 6.  Ya tu sabes how she receives the royal treatment, especially since they live with her other grandma, and a diagnosis of Autism just clinched the spoiling.  Pero look at her, how could you not want to spoil her?

hawaiian princess  La Princesa Bohemian Babushkka's Granddaughter

She had informed her parents that this was her summer to stay with Babushka.  She’s all big and grownup at 7 and decided this was the year to visit  and have adventures like her big brother had. So we all did what we could to make it happen.

Unfortunately she and BB got sick during the first few days of her visit.  But we managed to bond and have fun anyway at home.

grandparenting bonding autism quiet time family memories elmo

Honestly, as long as she had a cell phone or tablet to watch her programs she’s no problem. Mealtimes though are challenging.  La Princesa likes what she likes, and since this was vacaciones, Babushka was not about to force the issue.  

Frozen Autism Meals Burger King Grandchildren

Lots of juices,cereals,cheeseburgers, Pretzels y PB&J, spaghetti and pizza.  Bueno, not all pizza.
BB tried to make homemade english muffin pizzas for her, like the ones her mama used to enjoy.
NanaNina.  She wanted the REAL pizza.

Babushka meanwhile, wanted a REAL vacation, to take her someplace, so we were very grateful when the good people of Seaworld invited us to their Splash Party. The invite was for 1245 so we left the casa at 730 am, not an enjoyable mission for our late sleeping princess.  She neither wanted to wake, nor did she want to leave our home. Kind of  a compliment verdad?  Anyway, once it was explained we were going on a trip to Seaworld like her brother El Dr. and that she could sleep all the way there, peace reigned in the kingdom.

A photo posted by Bohemian Babushka (@bbabushka) on

La Princesa and her Royal party arrived a decently Cubanlate 15 mins and guess who parked right alongside us?  Our segundo familia, Bloggin’ Mamas Pres. and her crew.  NOW we knew we were gonna have fun! Equipping us with icecream and water, we were escorted to the Splash Party!!!

Unfortunately Sweetie was beginning to get the cold BB and La Princesa had couldn’t join us under the water works, so he was our photographer.  Ended up he got soaked anyway. A Florida thunderstorm cut short our visit and we didn’t get to visit the rest of the park, so we will go back again with La Princesa. BB owes her that “trip like Big Brother”.  Also owed her a “Real Pizza”.

Of course one never “owes” things like trips and pizza, but a Grandma, especially this abuela not try to get everything for The Grands they want?


Next post, Royalty gets to  #VisitWestVolusia  

And her proclamations are priceless.


Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!

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