Gracias to Disney and Allied Contigo for including BB in this promo. Compensation as shown and felicidad/opinion son de Babushka and Grands. Also as shown, and all ours.
Our Hawaiian Princess at 3 months w/greatgreat grandmother La Tata. |
HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
Hoy hablamos of Disney's Moana and one of the main points en la pelicula;the significance grandparents can make in children's lives. Grandparenthood, ser Abuelo- where discipline is slight and sweets aplenty. Sweets, besides the sugary kind, are when the abuelos son the confidants, the guiding light from the past who believe in our futures. Moana was blessed with Grandmother Tala, and hopefully The Grands will think the same of Babushka. La Princesa, being autistic and the only hembra is especially close to BB y con el favor de Dios will continue to connect with the feelings of total love held for her. Quee?? Ok, si, JU SO FONII!!! Tambien connect with some of the locura and love of life shared too.
Also BB's blessed job is to entertain and premiar y'all, so, gracias a Allied Contigo one of you Beautifuls will win a digial dvd copy of the movie Moana. Mientras tanto, there's a great set of new activity sheets out, y aqui lo tienes:
El amor de abuelos and familia. Also the love de Moana, which El Dr. & Dr.J enjoy watching, and we look forward to seeing it again cuando llega La Princesa later this week. Check out the merchandise we will get to share and make more memories with.
Aqui is the giveaway so you can make marvelous memorias too.
Buena Suerte Beautifuls, and remember-
Be proud of where you come from, believe in that tiny inner voice of amor,
and know that Babushka will always be near and loving you.
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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!