May 28, 2020

#TBT Watch out world- Rinquincaya turned 4! May 2012

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
Now a preteen about to hit PUBERTY ::shudder:: . 

Let us go back to easier times...

Blowing out birthday candles

My youngest grandson, Rinquincaya celebrated his 4th birthday on Sunday.  Now before you start with the "awwwwsss" please remember who we're talking about.  Here's a quick reminder in case you've forgotten. 

Babushka had gotten him  the party fixins for a Disney's Cars theme but when they went to the store for the final things he saw this.

Party City Skeleton Piñata

Goodbye Cars.

Felizmente there's Feibu and all the invites were sent electronically, because really-
who doesn't do Feibu?

; )

So now the dash began.  Four days before the party, last minute preps.  Que Que??  Why wasn't this planned/done months before?  JU SO FONII!!!  Where's the fun in that? 

MM and DIL ran around for decorations, cake, drinks, beach toys-because no self respecting pirate can appear sans shovels for treasure digging, and all the other craziness parties bring.  All this after 7 pm when my son arrived from work because his truck had decided to quit and they were now a one car familia.  Oh si, fun.

On the day of the party the forcast was 30% chance of rain, which was a heck of a lot better than the 60% forecast we had during the week.  Optimistic and sleepy, MM, La Tata and BB  packed up the car and headed out the door to be the first ones at the beach to get good tables (read that tables under shade).  It was 9 a.m.- on a Sunday.  Oh si, fun.

Meanwhile DIL's brother picked her and the boys up and helped with some last second shopping and her sister picked up the pizza.  Mil Gracias guys, there's no way it could have been done without your help.

And now the party begins-

Target Pirate Party FAvor Party Goody box
Goody bag holder- $1
Gracias Target

Public Birthday Cake


             Piñata Pirate Birthday Party Miami

Note about the above. 
As you can see, this was a Cuban style piñata with strings to pull, however,
 being the multi cultural mecca Miami, and being my son's son, the bat was a must.
Wouldn't be a decent party without it.

The Pirate Family

And it was most definitely a decent party. 
Oh Si Fun!!!

Matter of fact, when BB asked Rinquincaya if he had enjoyed himself he said
"It was the bestest party EVER."

and then he said something that you have to realize, please keep in mind,
 his age, his environment, but most importantly his genes. 
 Mi adorado Rinquincaya said (I'm so proud), he said,


And I aarrrrrrrggghhh  too.

Babushka Besos a todos.  Cuidensen.

It's 2020 and he's 12!  
That laser focused attitude and attention has served him well. Now an honor student and champion cheerleader Rinquincaya is following his dreams and passion. 
We arrrgghh feliz.  

Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!

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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!