May 06, 2021

#TBT Which Came First? May 2021 @ConexionFlorida

 In this month's Conexion, BB shares her thoughts and gratitude on mothers, grandmothers, and all those who came before us and helped shape our way...

Del libro, The First time 

Grandmother’s Journal, illustrations by Mel Baxter

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

It’s May, the month most think of Mothers, because in the US, Mother’s Day is celebrated the second Sunday of the month. Now BB asks, rephrasing the famous “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” question, Which came first, the Grandmother or the Mother?  QueQue??  Ok, Ok, not going to get too philosophical here, pero think about it un poquito.  Those of us who were blessed to be Mothers, where did we get our “How-to” or “How to Not”s from? Ahuh. And them? It goes straight on back, generations upon generaciones . And in retrospect, all of them/us had moments we’d wished we had known about or done better. To help us with this is a wonderful libro, The First Time Grandmother’s Journal. The book was written by BB’s amiga Lisa Carpenter, grandmother to 7 boys, writer of many things, including the wonderful blog “Grandma’s Briefs”. 

Ahora, even though she says it’s a book “Inspiring Prompts to Celebrate Your Experience with a New Grandchild”, BB says it’s much more than that. Aqui are some of her prompts:  

“Living in Love

Looking Within

Being Present

Exploring Your Wisdom

Sound like things we should do for ourselves verdad? 

Consciously practice doing one thing at a time.

Let go of internal distractions like to-do lists

and unrealistic expectations of yourself and others.

Make peace with external factors you can’t control.”

Again, things we should do for ourselves? That Beautifuls, is Babushka’s wish for All. To honor and love our mothers, grandmothers, antepasados, in their wisdom and mistakes. And to honor and love ourselves in our wisdom and mistakes. Because no matter how often we question or doubt the reasons for being, the final que y porque is to love. Love la vida y each other, for we all are familia, to respect,  relate, and rejoice. Let us celebrar each new birth,new madre, new abuela, and the knowing that Love is what came first. 

Babushka Besos a Todos. Cuidensen.

Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!

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