July 17, 2017

Love of #Libros- Baila con #Books! #Usborne Feibu Fiesta!! #children #literature

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!!

Babushka has always loved reading and the world of books; that's probably where my love of storytelling began. Quee?? JU SO FONII!!! Ok, si, being Cubana, tambien it's in my sangre, pero the look Belle of Beauty and the Beast has when she goes into his library?  Es el mismo look Babushka has when she enters a library.  The life changing mundos & maravillas one encounters in that magical place! 

Having loved reading since childhood you KNOW BB started The Trio early with the Love of Libros and naturalmente even more so with The Grands .  When DIL told me PicaPica and Rinquincaya wanted books as presents, Babushka knew the tradition lived on.  Felizmente the tradition of good cuentos, stories worth sharing and cherishing lives on too.  Gracias to DIL for introducing us to the world of Usborne Books. Quality y que Quantity!! So much so she had to become a consultant!

These were the first books Babushka bought for Grands 5 & 6.  Very impressed with the colores y quality, creo there will be more of this type to be added to our library. BB's sure she'll be learning some new words too!  Pero the selection isn't just here, or just for this age group.  Usborne tiene from babies to teens, in all types of categories and always ready to entertain.  Speaking of entertaining, how about these last days of summer when all has been done and it's just too hot to go outside?

Y que me dicen of those long road trips with the never ending "Are we there yet?"

Hope You Can Join us Tuesday for a Feibu Fiesta where we'll be Bailando con Books.

if you can't make it to the fiesta, or want to see the selection of libros Usborne carries,

Boys Usborne Books

The joy of reading, the legacy of libros. Share the Love.


Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!

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Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!