August 25, 2021

Disney on Ice presenta Mickey's Search Party and South Florida's Got it!! FTX Arena #DisneyOnIce #Giveaway

This is a very happy sponsored post for Babushka. Disney on Ice is back!!

BB is an FEI Family Ambassador, who in exchange for attending Feld Entertainment productions shares performances, dates, discounts, and her heartfelt opinions on the shows.

Disney on Ice Mickey's Search Party Promo
@Disney @Pixar

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
Disney on Ice-This has been a love de años. BB rememembers La Tata taking her to the show, and now Babushka's had the pleasure of sharing the wonderful tradicion with The Trio and the latest generation, The Grands. When Babushka was asked to share the return of Disney on Ice she almost cried. Oh how she missed them and the shows! Life is coming back to normal, and these shows are definitivamente a wonderful way to celebrar eso. 

"Join Mickey Mouse and his friends at Disney On Ice presents Mickey’s Search Party, an adventure filled with world-class skating, high-flying acrobatics and unexpected stunts! Look for clues in the search for Tinker Bell through immersive, fantastic worlds. Explore the colorful spirit realm of Coco, sail away with Moana as she bravely saves her island, see Belle in the sky as the enchanted chandelier comes to life, and sing-along with Elsa in the icy world of Frozen. Make memories during Aladdin, Toy Story and The Little Mermaid as the search party becomes an all-out celebration!

See Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy and stars from Moana, Coco, Frozen, Toy Story, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid. "

For those who like lo seguro- here are the dates/performances

Disney On Ice presents Mickey’s Search Party 

BB&T Center – September 9-12, 2021 

FTX Arena – September 16-19, 2021 

Show Information 

Performance Schedule:

BB&T Center 

Thursday, September 9 – 7pm 

Friday, September 10 – 7pm 

Saturday, September 11 – 11am, 3pm, and 7pm 

Sunday, September 12 – 1pm and 5pm 

FTX Arena 

Thursday, September 16 – 7pm 

Friday, September 17 – 7pm 

Saturday, September 18 – 11am, 3pm, and 7pm 

Sunday, September 19 – 1pm and 5pm 

** Doors open one hour prior to show time. 

** Any child who has reached their 2nd birthday needs a ticket.

Save $5 on select seats when you use code DOI5FQ online at  

Offer valid on select price levels and performances. Offer valid only on the following performances: Thursday,  September 9 at 7pm; Friday, September 10 at 7pm; Saturday, September 11 at 7pm; Sunday,  September 12 at 5pm; Thursday, September 16 15 7pm; Friday, September 17 at 7pm; Saturday,  September 18 at 7pm, and Sunday, September 19 at 5pm. No double discounts. Service charges,  handling and facility fees may apply. Tickets are subject to market supply and demand.  

Offer expires 9/5/21.

Ahora, for those Beautifuls who'd like to win FOUR TICKETS 
 to attend the opening night show on Sept. 16 at FTX Arena -
an easy giveaway, porque la vida has been kinda rough ultimamente.

Answer the following in a comment below. Each are separate comments/entries, so try to do them all.

1. Who would you take to the show if you won?
2. Have you ever attended a Disney on Ice show?
3. Which character are you most excited to see?
4. Share this giveaway and post share link below.

Make sure you answer all of them, and if you're like BB you want to follow all the noticias de Disney on Ice, so aqui tienes their redes sociales:

Disney on Ice Mickey's Search Party Coco


Tweety: @DisneyOnIce  


IGrammy: @DisneyOnIce 


A show de Disney on Ice is always a win Beautifuls!!
Enjoy the espectacular!!!


P.S. Legalize- entrants must verify that they are at
least the age of majority in their state of residence. 
“Disney is not a sponsor, endorser or administrator of this

Bohemian Babushka
Bohemian Babushka

Groovy Spanglish speaking Grandma of 6 who loves life and all its adventures. Motivational while still keeping it real, Babushka shows how all things looked at with gratitude are good, and how to say to la vida- JU SO FONII!!!


  1. My teens are eagerly looking forward to seeing Disney on Ice show. It seems like forever since they have been to one. They are excited to see all the princess. It's like planning for a mini vacation, jeje.

    1. One is never too old for Disney on Ice or Disney Princesses!


  2. 1. Who would you take to the show if you won? - I would take my beautiful children and amazing family!!!
    2. Have you ever attended a Disney on Ice show? This would be a first for us all!!!
    3. Which character are you most excited to see? Bruno!!!!
    4. Sharing now !!!!


Always remember- If someone doesn't see YOUR brilliance, just look at them, smile, and say- JU SO FONI!!!