May 31, 2020

Sunday Smiles #COVID19 #JUSOFONII #ComicRelief 5.31.2020

2020 tbanks meme

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

Can you believe mañana is the first day of June already?  And still doing the Corona Conga.  
Bueno, it's like Babushka has always said... doesn't matter what music is playing,
 ya gotta find your own steps and dance.

Lysol breather  meme

And still there are those who think this fact, no fonii...

aunty acid covid19 meme

Casa BB has a thermometer. Hasn't had a scale in years.

Would love to pensar they are taking them from the trash, not the roads y streets...


BB go out now like before? JU SO FONII!!

Ahora, eso si Beautifuls, if you do decide to venture out more,
a little dance to remind you of the musica playing-


Babushka Besos a Todos.  Cuidensen.

May 28, 2020

#TBT Watch out world- Rinquincaya turned 4! May 2012

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
Now a preteen about to hit PUBERTY ::shudder:: . 

Let us go back to easier times...

Blowing out birthday candles

My youngest grandson, Rinquincaya celebrated his 4th birthday on Sunday.  Now before you start with the "awwwwsss" please remember who we're talking about.  Here's a quick reminder in case you've forgotten. 

Babushka had gotten him  the party fixins for a Disney's Cars theme but when they went to the store for the final things he saw this.

Party City Skeleton Piñata

Goodbye Cars.

Felizmente there's Feibu and all the invites were sent electronically, because really-
who doesn't do Feibu?

; )

So now the dash began.  Four days before the party, last minute preps.  Que Que??  Why wasn't this planned/done months before?  JU SO FONII!!!  Where's the fun in that? 

MM and DIL ran around for decorations, cake, drinks, beach toys-because no self respecting pirate can appear sans shovels for treasure digging, and all the other craziness parties bring.  All this after 7 pm when my son arrived from work because his truck had decided to quit and they were now a one car familia.  Oh si, fun.

On the day of the party the forcast was 30% chance of rain, which was a heck of a lot better than the 60% forecast we had during the week.  Optimistic and sleepy, MM, La Tata and BB  packed up the car and headed out the door to be the first ones at the beach to get good tables (read that tables under shade).  It was 9 a.m.- on a Sunday.  Oh si, fun.

Meanwhile DIL's brother picked her and the boys up and helped with some last second shopping and her sister picked up the pizza.  Mil Gracias guys, there's no way it could have been done without your help.

And now the party begins-

Target Pirate Party FAvor Party Goody box
Goody bag holder- $1
Gracias Target

Public Birthday Cake


             Piñata Pirate Birthday Party Miami

Note about the above. 
As you can see, this was a Cuban style piñata with strings to pull, however,
 being the multi cultural mecca Miami, and being my son's son, the bat was a must.
Wouldn't be a decent party without it.

The Pirate Family

And it was most definitely a decent party. 
Oh Si Fun!!!

Matter of fact, when BB asked Rinquincaya if he had enjoyed himself he said
"It was the bestest party EVER."

and then he said something that you have to realize, please keep in mind,
 his age, his environment, but most importantly his genes. 
 Mi adorado Rinquincaya said (I'm so proud), he said,


And I aarrrrrrrggghhh  too.

Babushka Besos a todos.  Cuidensen.

It's 2020 and he's 12!  
That laser focused attitude and attention has served him well. Now an honor student and champion cheerleader Rinquincaya is following his dreams and passion. 
We arrrgghh feliz.  

May 26, 2020

Powered USB Hub ikuai 7 Port USB 3.0 #Giveaway w/ @giveawaygator2 y @las930


iKuai Powered USB 3.0

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
No se about y'all, pero BB does not like going all over casa to recharge and retrieve her electronicos. Que mission verdad? Felizmente, the winner of this giveaway won't have to do eso, she will have all her goodies getting jugo at one central estacion. BUENISIMO. Maybe you'll be that lucky one?? Here's the informacion-

Welcome to the Powered USB Hub ikuai 7 Port USB 3.0 Giveaway!

Retail Value $27.99

1 Winner

This giveaway is part of our Fathers Day Gift Guide. Stop by to see all the giveaways and great products.

Father's Day is a great day to win a prize.

Host is Giveaway Gator

Michigan Saving and More

The Frugal Grandmom

Deliciously Savvy


This Giveaway's Sponsor is:



Powered USB 7 PortUSB Powered 7 Port Hub





This giveaway/sweepstakes is in no way endorsed, affiliated, or associated with Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Media Networking Site. This Giveaway is valid to continental United States residents only. Entrants must be 18+ years of age to enter. This giveaway event will end at 11:59 PM (EST) 6/30/20. The winner will have 48 hours to email their information back to or a new winner will be drawn. You may want to put this email address as safe as it could go to spam. The giveaway is not valid where prohibited! By entering you are authorizing us to collect the information on the form below. This information is used only to contact the winner! No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law and the number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Winners are chosen randomly by the Giveaway Tools program. The sponsor is responsible for shipping of the above prize. No blogs associated with this contests are responsible for prize fulfillment. If you would like to be a sponsor in a giveaway like this please email

If you take an entry you must stay following for the entire contest or you will be disqualified.


Buena Suerte Beautifuls!

May 24, 2020

Sunday Smiles #COVID19 #JUSOFONII #ComicRelief *5.24.2020

classic art memes corona19

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

The Corona Virus continues, so too do the memes.  Those of y'all who follow BB knows she loves the classics. Queee?? JU SO FONII !! Si, for some of you that's anything over 20 years old, pero these are truly classics with a bit of a twist. Kinda like Babushka. 

family during quarantine

Casa BB has a set of twins (Sweetie and BIL) so you know the eyes started getting blurry...

classical art memes  corona19 book reading

De verdad, books from 2000...

original tmnt classical art memes

Grands, Dr.J was over, so BB just HAD to include this one.

a moms life  mona lisa quarantine

BB sees todos are nodding Si. 

lady macbeth 22 sec hand wash

lady macbeth 22 second covid handwash

And this week's feel mejor from Babushka?
From history we learn mankind survives with grit- and guffaws.
We will bounce back Beautifuls and un dia WE will be the classics.

Gypsy BB - Bohemian Babushka

Babushka Besos a todos. Cuidensen.

May 21, 2020

#TBT BB's Memorable Memorial Day 2012

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls! The following was originally posted in Junio of 2012.  Babushka's blog has changed a bit since this was written, and si, it's been a few years, pero she remembers the day well. A newbie on the blogging scene, BB was touched by the kindness of strangers who welcomed her into their mundo.  

Except for updating some of the links, the post is shared just as it was written in 2012. One importante nota to add- the original dedication was in memory to our military heroes, in this writing Babushka is also honoring Jewel Figueras, a blogger who became a very querida amiga. She too fought for the liberties and derechos of others and lost her fight to ovarian cancer in 2017. No doubt she is shining brightly in heaven as she did for us here.

BB had no plans for Memorial Day.  As you know, I am currently in Miami visiting La Tata, with no transportation except public transit, which actually isn't a bad way to travel and I wish we had it in my rural town Up North in The South, but the days are getting hotter and the walks between bus stops and final destinations seem longer when its hotter, and those of you who know me know Babushka doesn't do hotter, so before this one sentence becomes a paragraph all by itself, let's just stop it here and say BB had no plans for Memorial Day.

But then there was Feibu. 

Hispanicize_Jungle Island_2012

Actually, then there was an invite via Feibu from the Hispanicize team to join them at Jungle Island- free admission w/BBQ for a blogger and a family member. Hola! 

BB pass up a chance to go out, with family, for food, and for free? JU SO FONII!!
The first RSVP was Babushka's. 

In truth this event gave me a chance to have Friends

Hispanicize_2012_Jungle Island_Miami
Hispanicize Miami Group

Jungle Island_Miami_Hispanicize_BBabushka
BB,Eldest Daughter
La Tata, El Dr., La Princesa

and Fun

Crocodile_Grandson_El Dr
El Dr. w/his "Crocodile Live"

Jungle Island_Miami_grandchildren_BBabushka
A picture of the siblings w/La Princesa actually being nice to her brother

Miami_Jungle Island_Hispanicize_Memorial Day
lovin' the fros and the dia

For a day I didn't have plans, I couldn't have planned it better.

Babushka Besos a todos.  Cuidensen.

P.S. What fun reconnecting w/Hispanicize dear friends Farah Mesa & Lynn Ponder, getting better acquainted with Manny RuizJewel Figueras, and Katherine Johnson while also enjoying the sponsorship/hospitality of Jungle Island y  the Blackberry Tablet demo from Team Blackberry. Oh si,  lots of networking amongst the fun. 

P.P.S.  Team Blackberry, when's your next contest for the tablet?  BB ♥ that WiFi Only!!

To those whose Memorial Day was spent remembering loved ones
who had died for our freedoms,
fuerte abrazos, strength, and mil gracias for the sacrifices made.

May 17, 2020

Sunday Smiles #COVID19 #JUSOFONII #ComicRelief *5.17.2020

Day XXX of COVID19 has us looking like...

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
Between the pollen and pandemic, most of us are looking like esto.  Poco a poco, little by little, restrictions are being lifted. Bueno o malo, we shall see, pero in the meanwhile,
Let Us Laugh.


Beauty Parlor Emergency COVID19

And this is why beauty parlor restrictions have been lifted. 
Apparently they are essential businesses.


Esta Abuela Aventurera had this very hallucination during quarantine.

Good Neighbor COVID19

Gracias to Mommy Mafia Miami Babushka will remember to be a Good Neighbor and stay en casa.

BB shares a little love between the laughter.
Porque this not have a positive side?


Babushka Besos a Todos.  Cuidensen.

May 14, 2020

#TBT Mother To Us All @ConexionFlorida May Edition

A very special post to BB in many ways.  In memory of the mother Babushka lost and in honor of the mother we all may lose.  This month's contribution to the bilingual newspaper Conexion Florida, which is shared here. 

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

May is such a beautiful mes isn’t it? It goes perfectamente with the season of Spring, and with what most think of during the month- Mother’s Day.  Por supuesto BB thinks, no, KNOWS Madres deserve that recognition for all they do and what they mean to us, so Babushka would never dream of taking that away.  This writing is hoping to add to the day with recognizing and dando Gracias to a mother we ALL have- La Bella Mother Earth, Madre Tierra.  

Ever wonder why the Earth is seen as “Mother” to so many diferente peoples and cultures?  Because she sustains us.  She gives us life. The waters we drink, the air we breath , the land we cultivate, todo de ella.  Always there, siempre lista to give all of herself for our use and pleasure. And we querido Beautifuls have taken from her sin pena, sin pensamiento for too long. 

In every mal tiempo there is a lesson to be learned. During this pandemic,  Madre Tierra is enjoying just being. Being noticed for her beauty, not as background but as bounty. The Bounty of Life. She’s sustanance of our bodies and souls, and as we eventually come to realize, “Mama is Always right.” 

So let’s give Gracias and appreciation to our querida Mother Earth.

She has always given her atencion to us; it’s time to do the same to her.

Porque Madre hay sola UNA.

Babushka Besos a Todos. Cuidensen.

May 13, 2020

Life's a Beach Giveaway Hop May 2020

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!

We're getting closer to summer and si, going to the playa will be a reality soon. 
Meanwhile, let's have a little fun entering giveaways to help the tiempo go quicker. 
Here are some super good ones to keep you entertained-

 Buenisimo Verdad?
 Now for Babushka's offering, a $10 Dunkin Donuts Giftcard.
BB LOVES DD and knows her Beautifuls do too!  

Wishing you Buena Suerte and fun on the hop Beautifuls!

May 10, 2020

Sunday Smiles #MothersDay2020 #COVID19 #JUSOFONII #ComicRelief 5.10.2020

HolaHolaHola Beautifuls!
Thought BB wasn't going to make it for the Sunday Smiles hoy?  JU SO FONII!! 
If you're following BB on Feibu you know she became a Madre again today, so like most mother's she's trying to do 100 things at a time, pero the importante always gets done. And to make her Beautifuls Smile is muy importante. So, sin further ado-

TeacherMommy 2020

See the anterior for this one.

Babushka pleads the 5th...

Keeping it real.

And speaking of real....

Hope everyone had a Feliz Mother's Day with loved ones y loving memories.

Babushka Besos a Todos.  Cuidensen.